Gain deep practical experience via in-person Hands-on labs and projects. 200+ hours of applied learning.
Experience the best of both online and offline learning models, resulting in flexibility to learn while working.
evACAD hosts some of the top EV experts, who have a cumulative of 150+ years of experience in Industry.
500+ organizations engaged. Our students are working for global brands such as Tata Motors, Hella Mobility, Daimler, Volvo, etc.
The EV industry can not only benefit your career but also help you create a better future for the environment.
With the great demand for transitioning from internal combustion engines (ICE) to electric vehicles (EV), there is an exponential growth in the global e-mobility industry, offering numerous EV design engineer jobs for both existing talents and new hires.
With millions of available EV jobs and an industry that is desperate for skilled talent, the question that EV manufacturers and suppliers are asking is whether to help upskill their existing talent or hire new people who have already upskilled into EV?
The way forward for engineers is this PG Program in EV Technology.
We at EVacad have a panel of world’s renowned EV practitioners with 150+ years of combined Industry experience. Our EV experts deliver power-packed Live sessions and work closely with you on real-world projects to help accelerate your professional growth in the e-mobility industry.
Learn from the greatest minds of EV today to upskill, & master the latest EV technology. Grab this opportunity to transform your career & the world.
We at EVacad have a panel of world’s renowned EV practitioners with 150+ years of combined Industry experience. Our EV experts deliver power-packed Live sessions and work closely with you on real-world projects to help accelerate your professional growth in the e-mobility industry.
Learn from the greatest minds of EV today to upskill, & master the latest EV technology. Grab this opportunity to transform your career & the world.
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Electrical Engineering
Electronic Engineering
Mechatronics Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Electronic Engineering
Mechatronics Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Electronic Engineering
Mechatronics Engineering